Learn to create mini meals that are small, complete and more versatile versions of your favorite meals. Participates will learn how to create more healthier and wholesome meals that can be put together in minimum of time with minimum of fuss
Date: 25th April Saturday 2020
Timing: 1:00pm to 4:30 p.m
To Register call or sms 9766622662 / 9823844393
Fee Rs1000
the following recipes will be covered
- Quesadillas
- Flat bread Pizza
- Spinach n Caramlised onion Pilaf
- Pav Bhaji
- Indonesian Potatoes
- Corn horns
- Herb Rice Cheese Croquettes
- Pizza Puff Roll

hi Rajul I made the Pav Bhaji at home and everyone really liked it. it has come out better than what you get outside and now my family too is enjoying its goodness at home.